20 May 2018

Innovation’s Day 2018

Smart Building Energies was present at the Innovation Day organised by VINCI Energies’s Building solution division

A plenary session with many pitchs

This Innovation Day took place at the end of May in a unique location in the Lille metropolitan area: La Maison de la Photographie!

On this occasion and in the company of many customers, Smart Building technical solutions were discussed (BMS, Connected Objects, 3DHypervision & BIM for operation, Augmented Reality, Mobility. . .) These different solutions are at the service of energy efficiency, comfort and services to occupants and the optimization of building operating costs.

Feedback, Building Management System , Big Data and MachineLearning, well-being and comfort at work, Facility Management. . . all topics covered during this pitch session.

Dedicated Smart Building workshops

About ten workshops were presented during this event. An opportunity to (re)discover VINCI Energies’s expertise in intelligent buildings with an offer from sensors to smartphones!

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